Sunday, November 3, 2013

Birds Nest

 The Birds Nest... My Inspiration
For some reason I have a fascination with nest and birds, bird towels, pillows...nest on canvas and necklaces.
A few years ago I began working on a birds nest for my family. I had wanted to place three eggs in my nest to  show my three blessings from my Father.  I carefully finished painting and placed three eggs in my nest  for my three of course.
As I was finishing my youngest who had just turned 5 came running to me ...eyes wide with amazement. Mommy...come quick there is a bird outside my window.  Oh buddy, isn't that cool...I am sure he is flying around from the tree. I gave my, ashamed to say it,but normal response. "Just a minute, and I will be right there." After finishing whatever was keeping me from my anxious 5 yr old,  I headed upstairs...tripping over legos, train tracks and matchbox cars. I found Chase staring out his window, sweetly watching all the action.When I made it to the window, I could not believe it. A beautiful nest, so carefully constructed from twigs, mud and leaves...all swirled together to make a comfortable home for...yes you guessed it three little blue eggs...nestled inside.
This nest became our family project..we checked on "our eggs" every morning and I watched in 
wonder as the Mommy bird sat and sat  to protect and warm her eggs. She never left their side...always aware of her surroundings. We waited and waited for the big day...the day the eggs would hatch..waited and waited. My boys were so patient but yet excited. Finally, it happened and Chase, since they were outside his window, they were HIS eggs. He declared to the entire house one early morning that the baby birds were here. We all watched  as the mommy and daddy would gather food and feed them, protect them and yes eventually "give them their wings"... I couldn't help but think of  Psalm 91:4  
"He will cover you with his feathers. He will shelter you with his wings. His faithful promises are your armor and protection."
We are protected just like those eggs...yet we have protection from our Heavenly Father who loves us more than we can fathom. He IS the great promise keeper...each promise is our armor and protection.

Matthew 6:26
Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they?

Yes..we are HIS! Adopted by the King! How comforting to know that HE is faithful! He will never leave us nor forsake us.
As the birds grew they eventually were ready to fly away....this past Sunday morning only one baby bird was left. He was sitting  on the window sill,  not yet sure he was ready to take off.  He was  scared and  unsure . How many times have we been unsure...failing to trust.   God equipped this bird with wings...He  has equipped him to fly. My friends...God has equipped you and I to fly  also. He has equipped you to face whatever your circumstance...and you can rest in HIM knowing HE will 
never leave you nor forsake you.
And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age." Matthew 28:20

It's a's in HIS word!!!
So whatever your circumstance today...Know he loves you. BELIEVE HE has equipped you... Trust HIM....spread your wings and fly. He will be there to catch you!

Kristi Hall
Spring 2013                            


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