Friday, February 27, 2015

Paint Break...Stitch Fix

I finally did it. I had talked about it for a while and decided I would take the time to sit down, fill out the "application" and send it in. I scheduled my first "fix", Stitch Fix that is...and waited.
It really was very easy to do. I like the fact that you can choose what pieces to focus on. I typically like to try on my jeans, pants, etc. before purchasing. So for now, I am focusing only on tops, outerwear, skirts and accessories.
I recently turned 40...I still do not feel..40..but my Mom says I am "that" old, and I guess she would know.:) I may be "old " to some of you...but I still enjoy all the things I enjoyed when I was in my 20's. I look around...and as much as I enjoy fashion, I am somewhat disgusted as to what is accepted in our society.Too much of.. too short, too tight, and too low. LADIES...THERE IS A WAY TO BE BEAUTIFUL WITHOUT REVEALING ALL GOD GAVE US... I actually think we are more beautiful when we allow our life to reflect whats on the inside rather than all we have been "gifted" with on the outside. Modesty = Beautiful! "Charm is deceitful and beauty is fleeting, but a woman who fears the Lord shall be praised. Prov. 31:30
I could go on and on...but I'll save it for another day.

So, I got my box. I ended up keeping one piece which is the top in the pics below. I have somewhat of a system when I shop. I buy basic/timeless pieces at pretty well known places. (LOFT, JCREW, Anthropolgie, etc.) because typically they hold up well and will last for a while. I buy more "trendier" pieces at a lower price range...often Target, Marshalls, etc because... well trendy means...passing, won't be here for long. While I am on the topic of "trendy"...just because it is "in" does not mean it will look good on each of us. I try to keep that front of mind when trends come and go..
My box consisted of a
~ black sweater...basic...I can get a cheaper one at Target that looks similar, so I sent it back.
~a maroon tunic top... I liked it but it was too basic for the price.. sent it back.
~a chevron ( cream and gray) cardigan. Very cute, but I did not like where it hit me. Sent it back.
~a pair of hoop gold earrings...nah...sent them back.
Great thing about it... if you do not like it, you have three days to send it of charge.
BUT.. the top was a keeper. Not only can I wear it now, but I think I will be able to take it into Spring with some white skinny jeans...or maybe a fun colored pair.
Overall, I enjoyed my fix and look forward to the next one. I decided to only receive one, every two months.
That, Ladies was my first, "fix".....

Things I have learned...
Getting to know your stylist
This is very important! I am in the process of  creating a "Stitch Fix" board on Pinterest. Really cool idea and a great way for my stylist to see things I have pinned that I like. Over time, she will have a better understanding of my taste, my style and the vision for my wardrobe.
It is possible....Just because I am forty does not mean I need to wear turtlenecks ( even though I do like them) and frumpy clothing. I consider it a challenge..Join me on Fridays as I take a "paint break" and hopefully find some fun things to make us feel pretty!

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